El viaje de la basura al museo | Cultura | EL PAÍS

http://cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2013/05/11/actualidad/1368288848_253237.html El viaje de la basura al museo La fascinación en auge por archivos perdidos de fotografía anónima y popular divide a los expertos ¿Fenómeno artístico o mera nostalgia documental?

RECOVERED EVENT: the future of ethographic museums. pitt rivers museum

CONFERENCE OUTLINE Ethnographic museums have a long and distinguished history but they have also been the subject of criticism and complaint. During the second half of the twentieth century they therefore underwent something of an identity crisis. More recently however, many of these institutions have been remodeled or rethought and visitor numbers have only increased. […]

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What Can These Photographs Tell Us?   Written by Leah Abraha on Feb 11, 2013 in Art & Culture, Events & Openings, Heritage, Photography · 0 Comments Photography from and about Africa is gaining interest and scholarship judging from the turn out at the one day symposium Distance and Desire: Encounters with the African Archive, […]

On the Virtues of Preexisting Material | Contents Magazine

http://contentsmagazine.com/articles/on-the-virtues-of-preexisting-material/ Contents MagazineEXPLORE On the Virtues of Preexisting Material by Rick Prelinger for Issue № 5 Since symbolic representation got traction and rendered itself permanent, we’ve had to live in an appropriated world. And for much of that time people have tugged back and forth on chains of origin and derivation. Sometimes appropriation is in vogue, other times and places […]

Specters of Freedom: Cinema and Decolonialization 5.–7.11. & 27. –28.11

http://www.arsenal-berlin.de/en/living-archive/news/single/article/3784/3082.html «Specters of Freedom: Cinema and Decolonialization» establishes relationships between the Arsenal film archive and two archives in Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau which relate an important chapter in the story of anti-colonial African cinema. As part of his «Living Archive» project, curator Tobias Hering has invited Portuguese artists Catarina Simão and Filipa César to present their […]

Arte y archivo: debe ser la exposición de documentos una de las reflexiones de la ciencia archivística.

(Artículo publicado en ARCHIVAMOS 01 2012, revista mensual de ACAL) (versión no editada ni corregida) www.acal.es Enunciado así la respuesta es clara: la archivistíca parece asegurar otros menesteres y aunque la difusión figura entre las preocupaciones de los archivos, archiveras y archiveros, no parece que sus funciones y su rigor deban traspasar la frontera de […]