A UA CRAG AL MURO. www.musac.es

  FONDO A UA CRAG AL MURO Equipo de comisariado y coordinación: Jorge Blasco Gallardo, Koré Escobar Zamora y Raquel Álvarez Rodríguez En colaboración con: Javier Ayarza, Miquel Cid, Rufo Criado, Eva Gonzalez, María Jesús de la Puente, Rafael Lamata, Alejandro Martínez Parra, Jesús Max, Pepe Ortega, Clemente Rodero, Néstor Sanmiguel, Ramón Valladolid, Julián Valle. […]


Curated and organised by: Jorge Blasco Gallardo, Koré Escobar Zamora y Raquel Álvarez Rodríguez. In collaboration with: Javier Ayarza, Miquel Cid, Rufo Criado, Eva González, María Jesús de la Puente, Rafael Lamata, Alejandro Martínez Parra, Jesús Max, Pepe Ortega, Clemente Rodero, Néstor Sanmiguel, Ramón Valladolid, Julián Valle. Based on the documents ceded by the group […]

ya se puede bajar el artículo «Ceci n’est pas une archive»

click aqui para bajar el pdf MEMORIAS Y OLVIDOS DEL ARCHIVO Fernando Estévez y Mariano de Santa Ana. EDITORES más información sobre el libro

RECOVERED EVENT: the future of ethographic museums. pitt rivers museum

CONFERENCE OUTLINE Ethnographic museums have a long and distinguished history but they have also been the subject of criticism and complaint. During the second half of the twentieth century they therefore underwent something of an identity crisis. More recently however, many of these institutions have been remodeled or rethought and visitor numbers have only increased. […]

Archivo, centro, arte, conocimiento

  (publicado originalmente en Archivamos de ACAL). Versión sin editar. Jorge Blasco Gallardo   Desde antiguo, algo a lo que hoy llamamos archivo, colección, etc. ha venido existiendo. A su vez, algo parecido a lo hoy llamamos arte ha acompañado a la humanidad a lo largo de su existencia. Cabe insistir en que ambos conceptos […]

On the Virtues of Preexisting Material | Contents Magazine

http://contentsmagazine.com/articles/on-the-virtues-of-preexisting-material/ Contents MagazineEXPLORE On the Virtues of Preexisting Material by Rick Prelinger for Issue № 5 Since symbolic representation got traction and rendered itself permanent, we’ve had to live in an appropriated world. And for much of that time people have tugged back and forth on chains of origin and derivation. Sometimes appropriation is in vogue, other times and places […]

“The Secret Life of the Counterarchive: Queer Artists and their Archives”

http://www.utexas.edu/cola/insts/humanitiesinstitute/news/6127 “The Secret Life of the Counterarchive: Queer Artists and their Archives” January 30, 2013, 7:00 pm, in Avaya Auditorium The Humanities Institute continues its lecture series on the theme “Public and Private” with a talk by cultural studies scholar Ann Cvetkovich. Dr. Cvetkovich’s talk addresses the current state of LGBTQ archives and the creative […]

Warhol’s archives undergo a reorganisation

The Andy Warhol Museum faces problems in preserving the documents of his life By Jean Wainwright. Web only Published online: 25 September 2012 The synchronicity of Andy Warhol’s record saleroom prices with the rise of art as a celebrity culture often overshadows the reality of a complex, introverted man, with a fine analytical, sociological mind. […]

Folklorist’s Global Jukebox Goes Digital By LARRY ROHTER

Source: nytimes.com   January 30, 2012 Folklorist’s Global Jukebox Goes Digital By LARRY ROHTER   The folklorist and ethnomusicologist Alan Lomax was a prodigious collector of traditional music from all over the world and a tireless missionary for that cause. Long before the Internet existed, he envisioned a “global jukebox” to disseminate and analyze the […]