El celular como herramienta educativa en África

http://www.etcetera.com.mx/articulo.php?articulo=15397 12 de octubre, 2012etcétera El celular como herramienta educativa en África Las telecomunicaciones han transformado a Nigeria.Del continente africano, Nigeria cuenta con 100 millones de líneas telefónicas móviles, según cifras de la Comisión de Comunicaciones de ese país.Pero lo sorprendente es que la telefonía celular está sirviendo para capitalizar beneficios para los habitantes de […]

Cisco routers will monitor you activity

http://www.neowin.net/news/cisco–locks–users–out–of–their–routers–requires–invasive–cloud–service Generally, when you buy a new device you plan on using it however you want, hopefully with the occasional update to keep everything running smoothly. Every once in a while, though, an update comes along that makes you scream in terror, like the one Cisco just rolled out across their router line, forcing users […]

Amazon cloud services, safe?

http://mobile.nytimes.com/article;jsessionid=5F062D37AF6980AD193FCBE96CD33F1A?a=942301&f=24 By QUENTIN HARDY Published: July 02, 2012 The cutting edge of the Web just bled a little. On Friday night, lightning in Virginia took out part of Amazon’s cloud computing service, called Amazon Web Services, which hundreds of companies use for data storage and computation. Well-known sites like Netflix, Pinterest and Instagram were not […]

Multas a quien sea sospechoso de piatería en el Reino Unido

http://www.fayerwayer.com/2012/06/planean–multar-a-britanicos–que–sean–sospechosos–de–pirateria–digital/ En el Reino Unido se llevó una propuesta ante el Parlamento que busca se multe con GBP$20 (USD$31) a quien sea sospechoso de haber contrabandeado material digital de forma ilegal, como parte de los planes que tienen de fortalecer la Digital Economy Act o ley de economía digital. De aprobarse, esta regulación podría entrar […]

Troves of Personal Data, Forbidden to Researchers

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/22/science/big–data–troves–stay–forbidden–to–social–scientists.html?_r=1&ref=technology By JOHN MARKOFF Published: May 21, 2012 PALO ALTO, Calif. — When scientists publish their research, they also make the underlying data available so the results can be verified by other scientists. At least that is how the system is supposed to work. But lately social scientists have come up against an exception that […]

Wikileaks anuncia una red social «con encriptación» y «sin vigilancia

http://m.publico.es/433975 « La red WLFriends, que comenzará a funcionar próximamente, servirá para «luchar en causas comunes» Por: PÚBLICO.ES 21/05/2012 17:55 Wikileaks ha anunciado el lanzamiento de WLFriends, una nueva red social que rivalizará con Facebook pero que estará basada en los principios que promueve esta organización. Esta red se distanciará del concepto de «herramienta de […]

Graphology at Drawing Room, London

Private view: Wednesday 9th March, 6- 8pm Sat 16 June, 2-6pm: Performances by Anna Barham, Pierre Bismuth and Peter Kubelka and film screenings. William Anastasi, Carl Andre, Fiona Banner, Anna Barham, Pierre Bismuth, Juliana Borinski, Marcel Broodthaers, Stefan Brüggemann, Tony Conrad, Mekhitar Garabedian, Dean Hughes, Wim Janssen, Peter Kubelka, Antony McCall, László Moholy-Nagy, Brian O’Doherty, […]

Technology is going to make it harder to be a repressive dictator, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt believes, but censorship could still create a «digital caste system»

Cnet BARCELONA, Spain–Technology is going to make it harder to be a repressive dictator, Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt believes, but censorship could still create a «digital caste system» that will mean some people remain laggards in the global economy. Information inevitably will leak like water out of areas where censorship prevails, he said in […]


http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/apr/07/surveillance–technology–repressive–regimes .   World news UK ‘exporting surveillance technology to repressive nations’ Fears that software similar to that which government wants to use in Britain is being sold to monitor dissidents abroad There are fears that UK technology firms could be supporting Assad’s Syrian regime. Photograph: -/AFP/Getty Images Jamie Doward and Rebecca Lewis The Observer, […]