Territorio archivo_ Activaciones de la FGSR La Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez (FGSR) colabora desde el año 2013 con la Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia (FCAYC) en el proyectoTerritorio Archivo. Desde el día 14 de noviembre del 2014 se desarrollan, en el Centro de Desarrollo Sociocultural de la FGSR, situado en Peñaranda de Bracamonte (Salamanca), diversas actividades en […]
Archivo de categoría: very important news
The Middle East via antique prints
http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Culture/Art/2014/Mar-05/249224-the-middle-east-via-antique-prints.ashx#axzz2vGvUdXXs BEIRUT: Since its publication in 1978, Edward Said’s foundational study “Orientalism” has provoked controversy and debate in literary and social science circles over Western cultural production’s representations of the East and its political ramifications. One of the pillars of Said’s discussion is that portrayals of Muslim and Arab societies were derived from clichés […]
Hungary’s Jews vote to boycott holocaust memorial which “rewrites history” | euronews, world news
http://www.euronews.com/2014/02/10/hungary-s-jews-vote-to-boycott-holocaust-memorial-which-rewrites-history/ Hungary’s main Jewish organisation has voted to stay away from official Holocaust commemorations this year unless they more clearly show the role of Hungarians in deporting Jews. The Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary, (Mazsihisz), says a planned statue and memorial centre in Budapest play down Hungarian collaboration with the Nazis. Mazsihisz leader Gusztáv […]
Europa da la razón a Google: no existe el derecho al olvido
Archivo Municipal de Arahal: UN INVENTARIO DEL ARCHIVO DEL AÑO 1962
Papeles de Salamanca: caso archivado | Cultura | EL PAÍS
Artículo: DNA: a future preservation format for audio?
DNA: a future preservation format for audio? http://playback.ning.com/profiles/blogs/dna-a-future-preservation-format-for-audio It’s easy to get excited about the idea of encoding information in single molecules, which seems to be the ultimate end of the miniaturization that has been driving the electronics industry. But it’s also easy to forget that we’ve been beaten there—by a few billion years. The […]
Artículo: Guest post: An archivist at THATCamp New Orleans
Guest post: An archivist at THATCamp New Orleans http://www.archivesnext.com/?p=3322 Guest post: An archivist at THATCamp New Orleans Posted on January 22, 2013 by Kate Theimer Thanks, Eira Tansey for this guest post about THATCamp: One of the perks of living in New Orleans (besides, of course, all the outlets for laissez les bons temps rouler) […]
Artículo: Can Video Document Possible War Crimes In Syria? : Video For Change
Can Video Document Possible War Crimes In Syria? : Video For Change http://blog.witness.org/2013/01/video-war-crimes-in-syria/
Artículo: Rick Prelinger’s “Lost Landscapes of San Francisco 6″ Tuesday Jan 24 7
Rick Prelinger’s “Lost Landscapes of San Francisco 6″ Tuesday Jan 24 7 http://blog.archive.org/2012/01/23/rick-prelingers-lost-landscapes-of-san-francisco-6-this-week-at-internet-archive/ Rick Prelinger’s “Lost Landscapes of San Francisco 6″ Tuesday Jan 24 7:30pm at the Internet Archive Posted on January 23, 2012 by internetarchive Rick Prelinger will be presenting his latest version of Lost Landscapes of San Francisco at the Internet Archive. Lost […]