«Machine Scale Analysis of Digital Collections: An Interview with Lisa Green of Common Crawl» http://feedly.com/k/1fCE9VJ How do we make digital collections available at scale for today’s scholars and researchers? Lisa Green, director of Common Crawl, tackled this and related questions in her keynote address at Digital Preservation 2013. (You can view her slides and […]
Archivo de categoría: Cloud computing
Archivo, centro, arte, conocimiento
(publicado originalmente en Archivamos de ACAL). Versión sin editar. Jorge Blasco Gallardo Desde antiguo, algo a lo que hoy llamamos archivo, colección, etc. ha venido existiendo. A su vez, algo parecido a lo hoy llamamos arte ha acompañado a la humanidad a lo largo de su existencia. Cabe insistir en que ambos conceptos […]
Oficina del Comisionado de Información presenta guía sobre seguridad de datos en la nube
Red social: trabajadores gratuitos a tiempo completo
Captives of the Cloud: Part I We are the voluntary prisoners of the cloud; we are being watched over by governments we did not elect. Wael Ghonim, Google’s Egyptian executive, said: “If you want to liberate a society just give them the internet.”1 But how does one liberate a society that already has the internet? […]
Cisco routers will monitor you activity
http://www.neowin.net/news/cisco–locks–users–out–of–their–routers–requires–invasive–cloud–service Generally, when you buy a new device you plan on using it however you want, hopefully with the occasional update to keep everything running smoothly. Every once in a while, though, an update comes along that makes you scream in terror, like the one Cisco just rolled out across their router line, forcing users […]
Amazon cloud services, safe?
http://mobile.nytimes.com/article;jsessionid=5F062D37AF6980AD193FCBE96CD33F1A?a=942301&f=24 By QUENTIN HARDY Published: July 02, 2012 The cutting edge of the Web just bled a little. On Friday night, lightning in Virginia took out part of Amazon’s cloud computing service, called Amazon Web Services, which hundreds of companies use for data storage and computation. Well-known sites like Netflix, Pinterest and Instagram were not […]
Spanish Networking
¿Podremos confiar en la tríada Cloud Computing, Big Data y Business Analytics?
http://diplomaticapuntcat.blogspot.com Joan Soler Jiménez Es cosa sabida que los datos en formato electrónico pueden estar estructurados, semiestructurados o no-estructurados. Los estructurados lo están en bases de datos; los semiestructurados se «semiorganizan» usando lenguages de marca como el XML; y los no-estructurados los encontramos en sistemas de directorios más o menos organizados ubicados en unidades de […]