«Machine Scale Analysis of Digital Collections: An Interview with Lisa Green of Common Crawl»

«Machine Scale Analysis of Digital Collections: An Interview with Lisa Green of Common Crawl» http://feedly.com/k/1fCE9VJ   How do we make digital collections available at scale for today’s scholars and researchers? Lisa Green, director of Common Crawl, tackled this and related questions in her keynote address at Digital Preservation 2013. (You can view her slides and […]

Artículo: DNA: a future preservation format for audio?

DNA: a future preservation format for audio? http://playback.ning.com/profiles/blogs/dna-a-future-preservation-format-for-audio It’s easy to get excited about the idea of encoding information in single molecules, which seems to be the ultimate end of the miniaturization that has been driving the electronics industry. But it’s also easy to forget that we’ve been beaten there—by a few billion years. The […]

Artículo: DNA: a future preservation format for audio?

DNA: a future preservation format for audio? http://playback.ning.com/profiles/blogs/dna-a-future-preservation-format-for-audio Scientists from the European Bioinformatics Institute in UK and Agilent Technologies in USA have encoded digital files on synthesized DNA…


Territorio Archivo Territorio Archivo is a project based in the reading of the region through domestic pictures and films found in the following towns: Cerezales del Condado, Castro del Condado, Barrillos de Curueño, Ambasaguas de Curueño, Devesa de Curueño and Barrio de Nuestra Señora. Territorio Archivo is a process of art work on the region. […]

ARCHIVÍSTICA & SOCIEDAD: Armenian National Archive will publish digitized materials on Armenian Genocide in Internet

http://archivisticaysociedad.blogspot.com.es/2012/09/armenian-national-archive-will-publish.html?m=1 Armenian National Archive will publish digitized materials on Armenian Genocide in Internet 09:56, 25 September, 2012YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 25, ARMENPRESS: The Armenian National Archive carries out digitalization of the Archive’s documents and creation of an electronic database. In 2013 the administration of the Archive intends to make the important Armenian Genocide-related documents available in the […]

Folklorist’s Global Jukebox Goes Digital By LARRY ROHTER

Source: nytimes.com   January 30, 2012 Folklorist’s Global Jukebox Goes Digital By LARRY ROHTER   The folklorist and ethnomusicologist Alan Lomax was a prodigious collector of traditional music from all over the world and a tireless missionary for that cause. Long before the Internet existed, he envisioned a “global jukebox” to disseminate and analyze the […]


página12 http://www.pagina12.com.ar Digitalizan los archivos del terror La Universidad de Texas lanzó ayer el acceso en línea a los documentos digitalizados del Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional de Guatemala (AHPN). Así se permitirá el acceso universal a los registros sobre atrocidades cometidas por este organismo desde 1882. La actividad, programada en la sede del […]